

中国 · 河南省


公司介绍 产品

基本信息/ Essential information

业务类型: 制造商
业务范围: 酒店用品、建筑装饰、装饰布艺、地面装饰材料
地  址: 中国·河南省·河南省巩义市紫荆路166号
员工人数: 500-1000人
注册资金: 5000万元 人民币
邮  编: 451200
公司网址: www.ehuade.com

公司介绍/ Company introduction

华德地毯集团简介 华德地毯集团是目前国内产销量最大、产品品种最全、销售和服务网络最广的机制地毯制造企业之一,地毯产销量自1997年以来始终稳居业界前列。 自1986年成立以来,华德始终专注于各类机制地毯的研发、生产、销售和服务。目前,集团旗下拥有郑州华德(簇绒、印花地毯、人造草坪)、北京皇佳(机织地毯)和上海道顿(方块地毯)三大生产基地,形成了从原材料加工,到成品生产的全方位、全过程管控体系。 华德地毯获得“中国环保地毯”及“国际环保地毯”认证,并通过欧盟CE认证和美国地毯协会CRI检测。产品被人民大会堂、国家大剧院、上海东方明珠塔、广州亚运会主会场等重要场所和各大城市的皇冠假日、索菲特、喜来登、万达等上千家星级酒店常年选用。 华德地毯集团愿以自身强大的研发能力、良好的产品品质和周到快捷的售后服务,与您精诚合作,携手并进,共谋双赢之道,共创美好未来!     Group Introduction Huade Carpet Group Company is the largest professional carpet manufacturers with a wide range for machine made carpet lines, sales and service facilities, most production and sales volumes. Its production and sales volumes rank the top position since 1997 in carpet industry market. From founded 1986, Huade all the time devotes its minds to all kinds of machine made carpet research, development, produce, sales and service. At present, Group has own Zhengzhou Huade (Machine Tufted, Printed Carpet, Artificial turf ), Beijing Royal (Weaving Carpet) and Shanghai Dalton (Carpet Tile) 3 producing bases that come into being raw material processing to finished products that all positions, all processes managing and controlling systems. Huade Carpet has been awarded “Environmental Protective Carpet” by carpet Industry Association under Arts and Crafts Association. Huade’s products have passed CE and CRI certification. Huade carpet has been selected and used by many prestigious institutes including The Great Hall of the People, China's National Grand Theater, Shanghai East Pearl Tower, Guangzhou Asian Games main venue and every big city Crown Plaza, Sofitel, Sheraton, Wanda etc, thousands of Luxury Stars Hotels.  Huade Carpet Group Company is willing to use its own strong research and development ability, high products quality, swift and considerate services to communicate and cooperate sincerely with you in order to progress together, achieve a win-win situation and creates a bright future together!


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